Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Behind the name

It took me a long time to figure out a name for this blog and I feel like I should explain myself. Pretty Plain Kristi describes me so well.

I'm the kind of girl who wants to be pretty.
I want to be that girl who always has the cute outfit on and looks put together. The one who has the cutest heels and wears them no matter the occasion because hey, they're freakin' cute and need to be shown off. But let's face it, in reality I am not this girl.

I am the girl who wears a t-shirt and jeans everyday because it's comfortable. And not like cute tees either. Hot Topic style tees. Band shirts and movie quotes. Video games and pretty pictures. I dress at work the way one might dress normally because I don't take the effort to get uber cute work only clothes. I used to wear heels to work but have since reserved them for nights out because I don't like it when my feet hurt. And trust me, I have CUTE heels.

My reasoning for the way I dress can be brought back to my weight. I'm a little pudgy. I don't think I'm huge or anything but hey, Wii Fit says I'm obese. Maybe that's why I've been avoiding that game...

Anyway, I know I'm anything but plain on the inside, but on first appearances, I am that plain girl. The one who blends in with the crowd. The one who looks like she didn't try. But I do try. Sometimes. I feel like I'm going on a tangent.

So to summarize. Outward appearances. I look plain. I feel pretty. I want to look pretty. I want to fit in with the pretty people and be friends with the geeks at the same time. I think this is a beautiful world and I like to focus on its beauty even when everyone else seems to focus on the ugly.

This turned out to be longer than I intended. I tend to rant once I start typing. Expect a lot of this. Can't say it isn't entertaining. ;)


  1. <3 it!!
    You are soooo beautiful, I am privileged to know you! :D LOVEYOU!!

    love, Lindsay

  2. You are beautiful in so many ways including the way you look! I know how you feel though, if I go out somewhere nice and I'm just comfortable I still feel weird because everyone else is all dressed up. Love the blog!
